High School
Triyog High School, Kathmandu
Where do you see yourself In 5 years?
Become a Successful Entrepreneur
Well!I read a lot of computer related blogs, forums. I do a lot of experimentation on my PC.If my PC were human it would probably hate me.I damage it then try to fix it.Computer games.Let me be honest.Bought the PC on class 10 to play them.I love playing cricket.Hate to watch it! Football,Yes love it.. Football Club Barcelona all the way.
Steve Jobs. He co-founds Apple Computer when he is 21, and by the time he is 23 he's a millionaire. He becomes legendary. And then, at 30, he has this humiliating defeat. Power struggle makes him leave the company he co-founded. He doesn't feel defeated, goes ahead and buys NEXT(apple purchased it later), then buys Lucas film (now renamed Pixar) creates Toy Story (First Computer animated film), then returns back to apple and then iPhones, iPods, ipads come to the market and revolutionizes the way we see gadgets.